jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Gourmet Sandwich Fair

As I’ve mentioned before, Chileans are on top of their sandwich game, and today commences the 3rd Sandwich Fair (Feria del Sánguche) in Parque Araucano, with special homage to the gourmet sandwiches of Chile’s culinary heritage. 

More than 20 flavorful restaurants and eateries will participate in this tasty event, including Haussmann, La Superior, La Naranja Mecánica, CaezaePescao, Hogs, Rincón Sureño and La Sanguchería. Classes, workshops, contests and activities for the kids include some of additional activities. 

There will also be musical preformances by Los Tetas, Electrodomésticos, and Vila Cariño. 

Here is a list of activities for each day pulled for the official site: 

When: Thursday, December 5 – Sunday, December 8

Where: Parque Araucano, Presidente Riesco 5698, Santiago, Chile

Admission: $3.000

More Info.: www.feriadelsanguche.cl

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

International Festival for Human Rights

This weekend is the International Festival for Human Rights (Festival Internacional Derechos Humanos Para Tod@s). The Chilean Commission on Human Rights (CCHDH) and the Chilean Commission for Youth Rights (CODEJU) have been defending and promoting human rights in Chile for decades. 

As this year marked the 40th year commemorating Pinochet’s military coup, this cultural event is just one of the many activities promoting human rights organized by these organizations to raise awareness, especially among the youth, and give homage to the victims of the dictatorship.

Here is the line-up for the concert:

When: 1pm | Saturday, December 7 – Sunday, December 8

Where: Parque O’Higgins, outside of Metro Parque O'Higgins

Admission: $7.500/day

More Info.: www.comisionchilenaderechoshumanos.cl